Ram Kalam is an energy service company offering technical consultancy services to conserve electrical and thermal energy by understanding the energy flow in the customer industry, recommended the best energy efficient measures without cost, low payment and the cost effective investment and assist the clients to achieve it with reasonable payback.
Ram Kalam is driven by energy enthusiastic, well experienced field professionals with a pool of BEE accredited and certified energy auditors, Environmental auditor, LEED Green Associate, IGBC accredited professional, GRIHA certified professional and Sustainable waste management professional.
With the vast experience, the auditing team easily identifies the client’s energy needs, closely working with the energy system, systematically inspects the energy flow, detects & quantify the energy wastage using detailed measurements, offers the best adoptable solutions aiming to conserve the energy and increase the productivity.
To be recognized as an Efficient Energy Service Company and complete solution provider for all kind of Energy Management.
Ram Kalam practices best scientific tools to carry out all types of technical audits through;
The following institutions and offices are eligible to conduct the audit process: